Tuesday, September 15, 2009


since aku stdy pasal Internet Marketing a.k.a Intermak nie, byk bende yg aku tau...
such "brick and mortar"...stage cycle of intermak which include the 7 stages:
1.framing the mkt opportunity
2.formulate the mkt strategy
3.designing the customers experience
4.crafting the customer interface
5.designing the mkt progrm
6.implement the mkt progrm
7.evaluating the mkt progrm
and byk lg r...
if aku write down kat sini x cukup pages kut gamaknyer...
but, the best part is Pn.shahniza yg ajar...
shes nice, supportive, n cool giler...
byk bende yg dia share especially experince dia time keje dulu dgn ktorg as student dia...
solute sama lu Pn...^:)^
keep up the gud work...

1 comment:

  1. hmmm.. kalau la soalan test and exam boleh jawab macam nie, kan bagus..leh score full mark...
    anyway, good luck in your final exam... your blog has been assessed... keep on writing and blogging... - nebuchadneeza-
